
Instructions for prepairing an abstract
to get an impression of the status and the progress of your research and to place your input into the programm of the 19th QIA Workshop, we would like you to map an abstract following the aspects below:
•   extent round about 2.500 notes (without index).
•  one half each of the abstract should deal with the research question respectively with the evaluation method follwing the Qualitative Content Analysis
•   the focus of the abstract should be methodical and analytically according to its content.
•   at the end of the abstract we would like you to formulate a few questions for a discussion during the workshop. 
•   for the bibliographical references please use APA  quotation rules.
•   add a A4 page with examples.
•  transfer the abstract as pdf. or word format
Submit the abstract until April 1st 2020 to Stella Lemke. You will receive Information about the acceptance of your input until the end of april.
The submission is not required for your participation!
Attention: The workshop is terminated to  40 participants and is already fully booked. Please do the registration as soon as possible, even when you are going to send your abtract in just before the start of the workshop. The spots in the workshop will be given to the  first 40 people registered.