Mixed-Methods Award

The Mixed Methods Award is granted from the Association for Supporting Qualitative Research ASQ every two years for psychological scientific publications working with an innovative Mixed Methods methodology.

You can submit publications of completed scientific research projects in psychology (diploma or master theses, dissertations or project reports, accepted for publication), which combine qualitative and quantitative methods in an innovative mannor. The report should show a clear methodological emphasis. Please submit as well your scientific vita and a list of your publications. If there is a multiple authorship please declare your part. The jury reserves its right to contact the coautors.

The award is endowed with € 1.000.- and is presented at the conference of the Methods and Evaluation Group of the German Association for Psychology DGPs. The awardee is invited to the conference and presents his or her paper. Members of the university of Klagenfurt, Austria are excluded.

Submissions for the Mixed Methods Award 2021 please until the May, 1, 2021 to office-asq@qualitative-content-analysis.org